- Are these tests covered by health insurance?
- Do you provide meal planning advice that would take my results into account?
- How much support is available after testing?
- Why are the foods to be avoided in the blue boxes on the bottom of the first page of the results, color coded?
- Should reactive foods/ingredients identified by the Alcat Test also be avoided in personal care products and supplements?
- The test did not show reactivity to Candida albicans even though I know overgrowth is an issue. Why?
- Why does this test not correlate with the other food sensitivity tests I’ve done in the past? Example, IgG, IgA.
- I know I have symptoms after consuming ____ but the Alcat Test does not reveal a reaction to it. Why?
- I know I am allergic to____ but the Alcat Test says I’m not. Why?
- How long will it take to receive my test results?